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July 2024 update!
July 2024 update!
Hello Everyone!

May 20- July 10= 51 days

My Two Cents:

Hello Everyone!

As you can see from my reading list page, reading is how I spend the majority of my day. There is not a lot of programming offered here. I found one other person here who is in the AA program and she suggested that I submit a "copout" requesting a AA meeting to be established at this facility. She also submitted one and then I submitted one and low and behold, we had a sign up sheet for Tuesdays at 11:00am. An AA panel meeting will be facilitated by High Desert H & I beginning on 7/9/24!!!


The women here are quite interesting. The old timers don't like the newcomers. The newcomers cause a ruckus. Midtimers write a crap ton of cop outs about the newcomers/young'ens. The copouts backfire and get everyone in trouble: TV room and salon locked up. Called in for extra counts. Kept locked inside before lunch and dinner.


I still keep experiencing the "Is this real?" moments. I have come to view this experience as my Federal Mandated Rehabilitation time. I didn't get any choice on how long I need to be in rehab, so I will just take it one day at a time. 


I thought I would be able to blog about interesting and exciting things while I am in here. The truth of the matter is, this is a total waste of time. I am not sure of the costs involved to imprison people at the camp level, but I can tell you there is no rehabilitation going on. People paying back 4.5 million in restitution at $25 a month for however many months they are here... Drug addicts who are 17 years sober, but have a 27 year sentence... Low level drug dealers serving a 13 year sentence and not FSA eligible... We are a waste of tax payer dollars.


My idea is that every woman at this camp could be in a halfway house or home. The rule would be that if you violate the terms of your sentence/release, you should be sent to a FCI. All of the women that are here from Dublin FCI can't believe how much of a waste of time it is at camp. There were about 100 sent here and maybe 30 or so remain. Maybe the only reason camps exist is to have a workforce for the other facilities.


This issue is way above my expertise and pay grade. LOL. But, that's my two cents. 


I did finally get to buy stamps and have mailed out a few letters. If you haven't received a reply from me, sorry for the delay. Recent letters/cards are from Elizabeth, Cattaluna (sp?), Maria C. , Molly, Andrew C. Clare, LNL & Rosalie. Thank you so much! And to whomever sent the 2 "palate cleanser" books. THANK YOU! I have read a lot of heavy books and to read a nice little fiction book was a nice break.


On 6/28 my BOP PRD (Projected Release Date) finally updated. This date of 8/24/25 will decrease every month. Each month between the 1st to the 5th or so, it will adjust by 10 days a month for 6 months and then by 15 days a month after that. My estimated release date is 1/5/25, but my goal is to be released to a halfway house sooner. I have an excellent rapport with my counselor and he is advising me to keep the positive attitude with my case manager. She is a much harder person to communicate with since my PRD is within 3 days of the estimate I received from "USA First Step". I will continue to lay low and not ask to meet with my case manager until I reach about 12 weeks. 


Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me along this journey. 

With Grace, Dignity and Compassion, 


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