I received 15 cards and books this week! Thank you!!!
August 11th, 2024 gracedignityandcompassion.com
This Week's Blog is About MAIL!
Written July 27th. Mailed out of Adelanto on August 7th.

Thank you to everyone that has been writing to me! I received 15 cards and books this week!


As I write this blog post today, July 27th,2024 is day 67. For the last 25 days, I received only one piece of mail. For the first 42 days that I was here, I received so much written support, love, recovery, inspiration and all the good stuff from all of you! The month of July was a big depressing hot, sweaty, long, yucky month so far. 

I knew from Steve that mail was still being sent to me, but I was not receiving anything. This was actually camp wide. I was not the only one. Our mail call list went from minimum 20 people per day per pod to four. Since we are “in trouble” I assumed that they were holding our mail. 

On Wednesdays, the head of mail for the entire institution was there. On Wednesdays there are different department heads, assistant wardens, unit managers and very often the Warden in the chow hall during lunch. 

I decided to voice my concerns to him. I went on and on about my concerns about the lack of mail for the month of July. We had a good conversation, but he tried to blame it on the Adelanto Post Office. I explained that the mail that was sent to some P.O. Boxes is coming through. Example: 3725 is being delivered, but 5300 is not. At the end of our conversation he told me he would go to the main mailroom and check it out. 

On Wednesday night the South side received a large mail delivery. Today, Thursday, I received 15 cards and letters and five books. The North side list was 48 people long!

I am off to read and write more mail!

Grace, Dignity and Compassion,


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