Helping Others
August 20th, 2024
Update from Gina
Update from Gina
This week's blog is about connection.

Helping you helps me...

The Heart and Feelings!!!

Now, I’ll talk a little about feelings. All those cards and letters that y’all sent me is what makes this time do-able. I knew that I would need this level of support to get through this time. I was in a total funk. Yesterday, a gal in here came to me and said that she’d like to talk. We walked a few laps around the track in the evening and chatted, then sat under a tree and continued to talk. She had been called into Psychology and the therapist told her she needed to find someone to talk to here. She told me she immediately thought of me. After we talked, I shared the sayings I like about supporting others “helping you helps me” and “when you pick up the phone you save two lives, yours and mine.” It was so crazy how I needed to have that conversation with her as much as she needed to have it with me. 

I had not read my Daily Reflections and remembered to read it before bed (almost always read it in the morning too).The  July 24th title is “Helping Others”. I don’t know if this would have had a profound impact on me. I read it in the morning. Yesterday, I talked with someone who needed to talk and today, I was rewarded with all of the love and support from my outside support system. 

The mail that has been sent to me has not been delivered to me yet. I have written almost all my June replies except for the last three letters received. I just got more stamps this week. 

P.S. Thank you to someone who either sent stamps or a self-addressed envelope. But that is not allowed in the federal system and I only received a notification of the correspondence. 

I feel like this blog is like the late night commercial “for the cost of a stamp you too can support a woman in prison.” 

Grace, Dignity and Compassion, 




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