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August 18th, 2024
Update from Gina
Update from Gina
This week's blog is about Rumors.

Fake news, rumor mills, when tall tales become fact...

Written 8/13/24, Received August 17th, Posted August 18th

Do not click here “”. But, if you did you will see that it is a prison penpal site. Inside prison, refers to the rumor mill. A fellow prisoner tells me a story and I ask them where they heard it and the usual answer is “”.

Very often, there is some truth to the rumor, but usually it is exaggerated quite a bit. I’ll give you some examples…

Example 1: The FSA credits are being front loaded on the 24th. (This rumor is almost every months)

Example 2: Camps are being shut down when Trump is elected president. (This same rumor was passed around in 2016)

Example 3: An officer died opening mail in the mailroom because there was fentanyl in the mail. 

Example 4: Lockdown is because….”drug drop”, “hooch found” “cell phones found” “fighting” (most are all true)

Example 5: Bed bunk counts because guys in the penitentiary committed suicide and no one knew

Example 6: Trump will approve all clemency applications when elected. 

Example 7: “Compassionate” Release is only for people that are dying. 

Example 8: You are automatically allowed to collect social security after incarceration no matter your age. 

These rumors, however sometimes funny, are often very confusing to people. As the rumor gains momentum, it also gains validity and is passed on as fact. 

I have had to learn to walk away from conversations that are centered around rumors. It is not my job to dispel the rumor. It reminds me of “watch one, do one, teach one”: 

Growing partisanship fuels fake news – but we can stop its spread | Times  Higher Education (THE)


In Grace, Dignity and Compassion



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