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Mail me some books!
Self help! Inspirational! Autobiographies!

Paperback books are needed here!!! There is nothing on recovery (NOTHING), and could definitely use books on self help, inspirational, and any autobiographies. All sober stories welcomed!

From Emmet Fox to Lao Tzu, Wayne Dyer to Dalai Lama

Books can be sent from home and do not need to go through the publisher.


Please let H&I know that books are needed!


Let people that we know that have written books (Michael Santos, Justin Paperney, Brent Cassity and Lynn Espejo). Please ask them to send me their books!


Please send to: 

Gina Pendergraph 

REG # 33426-510 

FCI Victorville Medium II 

Federal Correctional Institution

PO BOX 5300

Adelanto, CA 92301


With Grace, Dignity and Compassion, 


PS. Please let Michael know that they are requesting his program here and if there is anything I can do from inside to help it along I will try.

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