G. D. C. G. D. C.
Grace, Dignity, and Compassion
First Week In - Recap

by Gina Pendergraph

Day 1 - Monday - Surrendered to the Satellite camp. They said I could not have my necklace and earrings. I advised I could and they needed to check. I was the winner on that but have found out that most women here also were told no wedding ring and no religious book. It's kinda crazy that others accept that answer even though they know it's not correct. 

Day 2 - Tuesday -  I brought in a money order and cash with me. Came to find out that will take a bit to get posted to my account. Even with knowing everything that I know it's completely different here. So no emails until I could get the $$ posted. Had to ask my dad to send money via Western Union because commissary was today and I was able to get most of my essentials. Sweats/shower shoes/soap/toothbrush and toothpaste. 

Day 3 - Wednesday - Got my uniforms assigned today along with work boots. I won't be doing much work but will drag these heavy ass boots around on my feet. We are required to be in full uniform between the hours of () if you are outside of the dorm. 

Day 4 - Thursday - Went to multiple departments trying to get information on classes I can sign up for or take. Very little information is available. Going to Pilates class on Saturday morning at 8:30.

Day 5 - Friday - Realized that there is absolutely no rehabilitation happening here. It's food and naps. Watched Wonka. 

Now we will just sit around Saturday, Sunday and for the holiday on Monday. We don't have to be in uniform, we can be in our grey sweats and sweatshirts.


Day 7- Sunday 7am. per Corr Links video call with AA sistas 

  • I had to purchase grey sweats that are Russell brand. 
  • Black boots are fake leather and 1 1/2 pound clunkers, super uncomfortable. 
  • coffee crystals in hot water like camping
  • one apple a day
  • really good big piece of banana cake
  • lots of crap like Reeses, Kit Kat, Snickers and chips 
  • oatmeal with peaches for breakfast is pretty good (there's a peanut butter one too)
  • I have the bunk that my friend from Dublin slept in. 
  • I work one shift every morning for 19cents.
  • Boredom is the worst part. 
  • I have my book, but I can't read for some reason. 
  • I've gotten to call my grandson. 
  • The bed is fine, I can't complain, (cuz there's noone to complain to!)
  • There's no AA here, nobody talks about sobriety. I haven't found my peeps.